Teeth Whitening in Virginia Beach, VA

J. Wesley Anderson, Jr., DDS grew up in Virginia Beach, VA. That’s why he’s a dentist who understands the pressure to maintain a certain look, and that includes a bright, youthful smile. Don’t let the stains on your teeth distract others from seeing the real you. With professional teeth whitening, Virginia Beach dentist Dr. Anderson can make your smile pristine again.

Why are my teeth discolored?

There are several reasons you might be in need of professional teeth whitening treatment by Virginia Beach dentist Dr. Anderson:

  • Stains from foods and drinks like red wine, tea, and coffee
  • Dullness caused by aging
  • Smoking and other tobacco use
  • Medication or health issues

What if I tried teeth whitening at home and it didn’t work?

You may have been disappointed in the past by teeth whitening treatments you picked up at the grocery store, but professional whitening treatment can achieve more drastic results.

We offer two kinds. You can have your teeth whitened chairside in one of our spacious rooms in just an hour. Or we can send you home with custom whitening trays and gel to achieve the results you want in the comfort of your own living room. At the end of either treatment, you could see your teeth whiten by as many as 8-10 shades!

How often should I get my teeth whitened?

Whitening results can last anywhere from six months to a couple of years. It all just depends on your diet and oral care habits. We can reassess the whiteness of your teeth when you come in for dental cleanings and dental exams and let you know if it’s time for a follow-up treatment.

Don’t let your discolored teeth be the talk of the town. Let Virginia Beach dentist Dr. Anderson brighten your teeth and give you a healthy, white smile in no time! Call us at (757) 464-1964 or use our convenient online form to schedule your teeth whitening treatment today!